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The following are miscellaneous advanced topics.

asl-repo-switch Command

The asl-repo-switch command changes the system's package stream for AllStarLink between three possibilities:

  • prod - Packages for production-quality use.

  • beta - Packages that are ready for general testing and are expected to be promoted to prod.

  • devel - Development quality packages that are for development testing only. While these packages are available to the general user, use of this component in extremely discouraged without a developer's guidance.

In general, all ASL systems should run the prod stream. People wanting to test forthcoming features and changes should run the beta stream with the understanding there is the possibility for some problems and bugs.

Changing package streams is accomplished with asl-repo-switch -l STREAM. For example: asl-repo-switch -l beta. Note that packages will not be reverted to older versions if one moves from beta back to prod.