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Network Configuration

The Networking system tool in the web console permits viewing the status of the network as well as making network configuration changes to the appliance.

Observing Network Status and Configuration

  1. Log in to the web console with administrator privileges. For details, see Cockpit Basics.

  2. Click Networking in the web console menu on the left.

  3. At the top of the screen will be the network data statistics for transmitted and receiving network traffic. This information can be helpful if there are questions about network bandwidth utilization: Network utilization

  4. The next panel down shows the current configuration of the present network adapters: Adapter configuration

  5. Finally, at the bottom is the logs about the current state of the network: Adapter configuration

Changing Adapter Setting

  1. Log in to the web console with administrator privileges. For details, see Cockpit Basics.

  2. Click Networking in the web console menu on the left.

  3. Scroll down to the Interfaces section

  4. Click on the Name of the interface

  5. Make desired changes

  6. Changes take place immediately. Be cautious when changing IP addressing because you may accidentally remove your ability to access to the console.

Changing WiFi Settings

Unfortunately, Cockpit does not have an interface for managing WiFi networks with in it. Currently WiFi network changes must be made from the Web Console Terminal screen.

Listing Existing WiFi Networks

List the existing WiFi network(s) with nmcli device wifi list:

Display Wifi

Add a WiFi Network

  1. Log in to the web console with administrator privileges. For details, see Cockpit Basics.

  2. Click Terminal in the web console menu on the left.

  3. At the prompt enter the command:

    nmcli device wifi connect MYNETWORK password MYPASSWORD

    where MYNETWORK is the name ("SSID") and MYPASSWORD is the password ("Key"). To join the network "RadioSite" with the password "RF1234":

    nmcli device wifi connect RadioSite password RF1234

    If there is a space in the name or password, you must use quotes around the element with the space in it.

  4. If the network is not currently active (i.e. adding a network where the appliance will be in the future) or the SSID is hidden, adding is slightly more complicated. Again, substitute MYNETWORK and MYPASSWORD with as appropriate.

    nmcli conn add type wifi con-name MYNETWORK ifname wlan0 ssid MYPASSWORD
    nmcli conn modify MYNETWORK wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk wifi-sec.psk MYPASSWORD

Note: DO NOT use the raspi-config tool to attempt to set the Wifi network and password. This will break the appliance's networking.

Note: Some content copied from Managing systems using the RHEL9 web console which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA")