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Known Issues & Differences With Legacy Versions

As discussed in What's New?, AllStarLink v3 is a gigantic leap forward in platform and software ecosystem. Many things are different in modern versions of Linux, Asterisk, and more. This page documents permanent differences with ASL3 relative to legacy versions as well as any known issues that must be fixed in ASL3.

Differences with Legacy Versions

Serial Port(s) Available by Default

On the ASL3 Pi Appliance, the system comes pre-configured for /dev/serial0 (formerly /dev/ttyAMA0) accessibility. That means that Bluetooth and the default serial console are disabled. Any directions requiring editing of config.txt or cmdline.txt are unnecessary with the ASL3 appliance.

Pi /dev Entry Changes

As ASL3 is based on Debian 12, users with Raspberry Pi devices must note that the serial port on the Pi header is now /dev/serial0 rather than the historical /dev/ttyAMA0. If you are following directions for Pi serial port operations, such as programming an SA818/DRA818-based radio hat or a SHARI node, use /dev/serial0 in place of the /dev/ttyAMA0 reference.

Voter/RTCM Default Port

Modern installations of Asterisk runs as the unprivileged asterisk user rather than as root. Standard Linux convention prohibits non-root users to listen on a TCP port below 1024. The default port for Voters/RTCMs has been changed to 1667 when previously it was 667. If voter port changes are difficult for the environment, see Incompatible Changes in ASL3 for other potential workarounds.

Known Issues

The following issues are currently known to exist in AllStarLink 3 and, where possible what the workarounds are.

resize2fs_once "Error"

There are intermittent cases of errors on the screen or in the system logs about a failure of a service named resize2fs_once.service after the final first boot upon installation. The error may report that it "Failed to start" or "timed out". If the / partition has been properly resized - which has been the case in every known occurrence of the error - then there is no action to take and the issue will not appear on subsequent reboots.

A properly resized / should be a bit smaller than the full size of the SD card or USB drive used with the device. In Cockpit, look at the Storage tab:

Known issue resize2fs

In this example, / is a 31G partition on a 32G SD card.

Shutdown/Restart Issues with EZStream/Broadcastify Enabled

With the configuration for Broadcastify enabled, shutting down or restarting Asterisk is not quick or always reliable. When issuing systemctl stop or systemctl restart for the asterisk.service unit it will take upwards of 90 seconds to properly terminate and exit/respawn. Make sure any lame and ezstream processed are killed and not orphaned.

# ps auxww | grep asterisk
asterisk 1443572  0.0  0.0   2416  1024 ?        S    10:13   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/lame --preset cbr 16 -r -m m -s 8 --bitwidth 16 - - | /usr/bin/ezstream -qvc /etc/ezstream.xml
asterisk 1443573  0.1  0.1  11920  5120 ?        S    10:13   0:00 /usr/bin/lame --preset cbr 16 -r -m m -s 8 --bitwidth 16 - -
asterisk 1443574  0.0  0.2  55232 10240 ?        S    10:13   0:00 /usr/bin/ezstream -qvc /etc/ezstream.xml

If Asterisk is shutdown, the processes above must be stopped with a kill -9 PID command.