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Streaming Node Audio to Broadcastify

To broadcast your node's audio on Broadcastify, you will need a Broadcastify account. You can then apply for a feed. This link provides information on applying for a feed.

After you have your account and feed credentials, you a ready to setup AllStar.

Setup a Feed

  • Log into your node either using Cockpit or SSH and type the following commands:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install libshout-dev libtagc0-dev lame ezstream

  • Edit /etc/ezstream.xml with your favorite editor - for example sudo nano -w /etc/ezstream.xml. You will be creating a new file. Copy, paste, and edit the following contents into the file:

                <hostname>Replace with Broadcastify URL</hostname>
                <password>Replace with your stream password</password>
                <mountpoint>Replace with your mount point path</mountpoint>
                    <stream_name>Replace with your feed name</stream_name>
                    <stream_url>Your web page</stream_url>
                    <stream_genre>Amateur Radio</stream_genre>
                    <stream_description>Replace with your stream description</stream_description>

  • Save the file.

  • Ensure the file is owned and readable only by the asterisk user:

    sudo chown asterisk:asterisk /etc/ezstream.xml
    sudo chmod 660 /etc/ezstream.xml

  • Edit /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf with your favorite editor - e.g. sudo nano -w /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf

  • Locate the node stanza for the node from which to stream to broadcastify. The stanza is [NNNNN](node-main). For example, if your node is 63001 then look for [63001](node-main). Within that configuration stanza, add the following line:

    outstreamcmd = /bin/sh,-c,/usr/bin/lame --preset cbr 16 -r -m m -s 8 --bitwidth 16 - - | /usr/bin/ezstream -qvc /etc/ezstream.xml

The above parameters have these meanings:

-- preset cbr 16` = use constant bit rate 16
-r = Assume the input file is raw pcm
-m m = Mode mono
-s 8 = sample rate 8
--bitwidth 16 = bit width is 16 (default)   

  • After these changes have been made, you will need to restart asterisk:
    sudo systemctl restart asterisk

If you experience any problems, look at /var/log/ezstream.log for error messages.

Migrating an existing feed

If you have an existing feed, you will need to upgrade your existing xml file to the new format. You can use the following commands.

cd /etc
ezstream-cfgmigrate -0 ezstream.xml >
cp ezstream.xml ~/
mv ezstream.xml