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asl-play-arn - Play Amateur Radio Newsline


usage: `asl-play-arn [-h] --node [ --when WHEN ] [ --debug ]

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit

  • --node NODE Allstar Node # to play audio

  • --when WHEN When to play in 24 hour format NNNN - not specifying --when will result in the audo playing immediately

  • --debug enable debug-level logging in syslog


Basic use is either immediately from the command line:

allstar-play-arn --node 1999

Depending on the processing speed of the device and Internet connectivity, the start of playback may take a significant time. If the desire is for precision on the start time, use the --when command and execute allstar-play-arn a few minutes before the desired start time.

The script is silent except on errors like all good Unix utilities. Some useful troubleshooting may be done with the --debug option if an error is not revealing.

Sceheduling the Playback

The best way to schedule the playback is as follows as the root user.

  1. cp /usr/share/asl3/asl-play-arn.* /etc/systemd/system

  2. Edit the OnCalendar= entry of /etc/systemd/system/asl-play-arn.timer for the timing of the playback desired.

  3. Edit the value for "NODE" in /etc/systemd/system/asl-play-arn.service for the node to execute the playback upon.

  4. Enable the timer unit:

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable asl-play-arn.timer

Asterisk/app_rpt Configuration

Usually the timeout timer in app_apt will be too short to accomodate the playing of the full news file. The following commands can be added to /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf to enable and disable the TOT:

907=cop,7    ; Time out timer enable
908=cop,8    ; Time out timer disable

These appear as commented-out options in the stock rpt.conf


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Copyright (C) 2024 Jason McCormick and AllStarLink under the terms of the AGPL v3.