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ASL3 Support


Primary support for all versions of ASL (including ASL3) continues to be the AllStarLink Community. Please do not use the ASL Helpdesk for technical help. Support for ASL3 will NOT be handled by the ASL Helpdesk. All Helpdesk tickets will be closed with a referral to the AllStarLink Community or GitHub.

Bug Reporting

Bug reports for ASL3 and surrounding issues are best handled through GitHub "Issues" to the source code projects at AllStarLink GitHub. There are numerous ASL3 repositories. If you're not sure which repository to use for reporting a given issue then start at ASL3. You can also ask for guidance in the AllStarLink Community.

When reporting an issue we ask that you be comfortable enough with Linux to edit files, restart services, and perhaps copy a potentially fixed file onto your system.

Note: to raise issues about ASL3 problems and interact with the developers you must create (or use an existing) GitHub account.

Enhancement Requests

Obviously, we cannot promise anything but we do want to hear your ideas. Please file a GitHub "Issue" :-)


Have you identified a problem and have a solution? We welcome your help. Please file a GitHub issue with all the details. Even better, create a GitHub "Pull request" for us to review.